Thursday, May 30, 2013

When your customers are members

What's the difference between "members" and "customers?"

By 吉田宅浪 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Excerpted from ForwardMetrics article published Jun 3, 2013.

The members of an affinity group-- trade association, alumni club, professional association-- are far more
vested in the company they keep than the patrons of drugstore or clothier, for instance.

 Hence, the "rewards" cards and other membership-like incentives that retailers create in order to turn
shoppers into "members."

Customer servi ce for your members is based on a more personal relationship. Find ways to keep
it that way:
  • Answer all their questions;
  • Address all their concerns;
  • Acknowledge that belonging creates a special bond

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