Thursday, November 21, 2013

How do you handle difficult customers?

Dealing with customers is not always easy. There are those who are hard to please, and those who make life difficult for anyone they encounter. Or at least, that is your perspective.

When they are impossible, we've suggested that you just let them go. Refer them on or tell them you can't help them.

If you have another member of the sales team who might get along better with a tough customer, by all means, share him/her with your colleague.

If the relationship is not so compromised as to still be salvageable, and you want to keep working with Difficult X, what do you do?

For more on dealing with hard to please customers, see

How do you deal with difficult customers?

The customer is always right

We all know that the customer is always right. And with that adage, it's only natural there should also be some resentment. We are admonished not to bite the hand that feeds us, even if sometimes we really really want to...

Central Park ducks are challenged to share their lake with
tourists in boats.  Photo by Tamara Beck
Those who dwell in tourist towns typically resent the the hoards who come to enjoy the beauties of their nabe, and disturb their peaceable lives. The fact that tourism puts money in their pockets makes the resentment deepen. No one likes to be beholden.

 As a business owner, you are beholden to the customer, dependent on their good will. Without them, your business would fail. You don't have to like it and you are free to vent. "Mrs. So and So is very demanding," you can tell your spouse, your therapist, or your priest if you are so inclined. Mrs. So and So must never know how you feel.

The customer is always right.