Sunday, November 9, 2014

#NYXPO 2014: It's not just about the swag

In May, look for the Small Business Expo

The Javits Center is a lavish venue. Its large spaces and long corridors make it feel like the stadium for business it was built to be.

Each year, the New York Business Expo and Conference brings thousands of visitors and aisles and aisles of booths to the Javits.

NYXPO needs to fill the hall with visitors in order to make it worthwhile for exhibitors to take booths. The incentive to attendees, along with the chance to see what's new in the marketplace, are lots of informational sessions. The fori for data-- much of them very well-curated-- give exhibitors a chance to shine and attendees a chance to learn.

This year, SCORE offered free business consultations to a wide public. Their well-received services are free to business owners at anytime, but how convenient to consult here whilst touring the halls.

Facebook sessions were held in the main floor, and sales consultants gave mini seminars in curtained off theatre-like spaces. Breakout sessions on how to network and how to market on line were in separate rooms off the main space.

I volunteered for a pitch from a number of willing representatives including one from Anerican Express Open, and a Queens-based promo company. The number of print services has proliferated even in this day when so much is done by email. PrintGiant was just one of many who offered design (including web design) and printing of business cards and flyers.

Internet marketing and digital displays, as well as more general offers to consult, combine and create, were at the booths around the floor. New York Life and MetLife showed a presence along with Verizon FIOS (but no Time Warner Cable this time around.)

Bookmark this page, and look to attend next year:
See also What I Learned At The Fair on this site.

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